unagi talks kitsch objects with illustrator Sabu
Although Sabu was born in the end of the Showa era (1926-1989) and grew up in Heisei, Sabu’s work is inspired by the grotesquely kitsch Showa period objects. “Showa” era was defined by the introduction of foreign objects juxtaposing with traditional Japan. Sabu “detested the creepiness”, she became “attracted to it without noticing“ but it has become a quintessential element in her work.
We love your work! Who and what are you most inspired by?
JP: 自分の幼少期の記憶や見たもの、私の家族の若い頃のメモリーや昭和を生きた人々や物に影響を受けている。EN: I am inspired by my childhood memories, my family’s memories and by the people that have lived and things from the “showa” age.
How would you describe your art?
JP: 自分の過去、今、そしておばあさんになった頃の自分のやりたい事や見たいものを表現している。EN: I express my past, present and the things I want to try and see when I turn into a grandmother through my work.
What are your plans for 2020?
JP: もっと深く自分の作りたいものに集中して制作していきたい。その為に自分を深く知る必要がある。EN: I would like to focus deeply on work that I really want to create. So I am thinking that I need to know myself more deeply also.
Unagilife is for useful recommendations for people inspired by Japanese aesthetic and lifestyle. What would you recommend with Unagilife readers?
JP: 日本の文化はとても面白く、伝統と外来の文化が融合して新しい形となった「昭和」を今も街中の至る所で見つけることができる。私のお勧めはクアパレスという千葉にある銭湯です。とても刺激的。EN: Japanese culture is very interesting, and especially you can still find our old age “showa”, which was a mixed evolved culture combining Japanese traditional and new imported culture. You can still find "showa" in many places around town. One of my recommended places is "Qua Palace" which is public bath in Chiba prefecture. This place inspires me so much.
You can purchase Sabu’s work here or visit her exhibition “one day only cafe“ which opens on 8th March 2020.