unagi catches up with Kathryn Bagley, or better known online as kitsunekun, on taking ethereal photographs of every day Japan and how she is getting through the Covid-19 lockdown. Kathryn shoots both film and digital photographs capturing the beauty of everyday mundane in Japan and has become endlessly inspired by the infamous Japanese aesthetic, priding herself on her catalogue of great location spots.
Unagi chats with digital artist, Simon Kämpfer, on creating surreal and dreamy visuals as the world comes out of lockdown. From the digital artist behind Kaeptive and current 3D Designer at Six N. Five, we discuss working outside of a studio and dreams of having art inside a physical gallery space.
Artist Victor Solomon recently repaired a run down LA basketball court using the Japanese technique of Kintsugi. The transformed basketball court now has the many cracks filled in with gold dusted resin inspired by the ancient process, titled Kintsugi Court. Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery") is a technique that emphasises an object’s repair with gold to give prominence to its journey.